I really enjoy being part of Forth Children's Theatre. I met lots of nice people and had great fun.
- Bibi Coane, Oliver! cast member
Forth Children's Theatre are proud to offer young people aged 10 - 18, the opportunity to be involved in high quality theatre productions. There are two musical productions every year, held in February and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August. The musical performers are recruited through an audition process for each production. But what happens on stage is only part of our story.
We have additional opportunities to be involved throughout the year such as the SCDA One Act Festival in February and Pantomimes and Fun Days.
We are a charity dedicated to providing young people affordable access to making theatre that does not compromise on the quality or experience. We believe in the power of theatre and how it can offer so many transferable skills and pathways into other industries.
We have been known for developing talent and the skills required across all areas through our highly experienced leadership team; from our long-standing stage crew and lighting designers to our costumes and prop makers; from our directorial team to our PR and marketing team.
Find out more, and how to join, below.

FCT is a fun, friendly environment and my daughter’s confidence grew with every rehearsal she attended. She made lots of new friends who she still sees regularly. She loves FCT.
- Katie Llewellin, Honor's mum.
Forth Children's Theatre has brought my daughter so much joy. She has learned so much, made great friends and above all, had fun. The work behind the scenes is incredible and the standard of the performances wonderful. Somehow they manage to create something so professional while maintaining a sense of fun. FCT really does feel like a family and one you'll always be happy to spend time with...
- Jan Coane, Bibi's mum.
Begin your journey to joining Forth Children's Theatre by submitting the form below. Our membership engagement manager will be in touch with more information and next steps. Welcome to our family.

We soon made long lasting friendships and were quickly involved in the magic of the group.