After weeks and weeks of rehearsals (golly gosh it has flown by!) Vic has decided to let the cast of ‘The Chess Game’ take a months holiday!
The question on everybody’s lips is ‘are we ready for this?’ and although there are sections to the musical that the cast are not 100% confident with, we have come so far and a little rest is well deserved I think! This show is so energetic – with the cast’s fitness levels being tested by Miss Shaw’s upbeat choreography – so a little relaxation is definitely needed. “We got a king…we gotta king….”
Marvelous summer weather greeted us on our last rehearsal (hopefully setting the standard for a sunny July!) and was great for our ‘Farewell Barbecue’. The cast were worked hard all day – with Kirsty trumping through almost four numbers – and the energy (plus sweat) was pouring out in the cast’s performance. Hopefully we were ‘FULL OUT’ enough for you Kirsty! Then Jane and Margaret prepared a wonderful barbecue for the ravenous cast (the Queens buttered the rolls!) which went down a treat! Thanks so much ladies.
The only thing that beats a FCT barbecue is a FCT baked tattie (absolute bliss!) so everyone was buzzing for their sausages and burgers! All the cast enjoyed a lovely chill out in the rugby fields, silly games were played, and the FCT family had a jolly time. (Apart from a wild flock of seagulls who wanted our leftovers and scared some cast members senseless. Not mentioning any names. *Ahem, Rachel and Natasha, Ahem*)
It was a lovely way to break for summer – so have a lovely holiday everyone – when we come back rehearsals will be so full on, so really rest, I mean it. I have previous experience of 10-10 rehearsals and they will drain you out (but are so much fun at the same time) so basically sleep all July please!! ‘That’s what I’ll be doing! Yipee! Enjoy!
Don’t miss me too much eh???
Love you all x
Julia x